
A survey to non related questions

I have to test OPIN and want to ask funny questions



Infos jadda jadda

Contact pour des questions

Han solo


Téléphone: 923862837281312

E-mail Site Internet

Merci d’avoir participé !

Ce projet est déjà fini. Merci à tous d’y avoir participé !

Voting phase

Answer the questions and comment on the poll.




intr.v. re·sult·ed, re·sult·ing, re·sults

1. To happen as a consequence: damage that resulted from the storm; charges that resulted from the investigation. See Synonyms at follow.

2. To end in a particular way: Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy.


a. Something that follows naturally from a particular action, operation, or course; a consequence or outcome. See Synonyms at effect.

b. results Favorable or desired outcomes: a new approach that got results.

2. Mathematics The quantity or expression obtained by calculation.

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